Urine Biomarker Research at Hull University
EndoTect is a non-invasive urine test that can distinguish between patients with deep endometriosis and those with superficial endometriosis, symptoms of endometriosis but no evidence of it, and healthy individuals. The test was developed by Dr Barbara Guinn and her team of researchers at the University of Hull. It was named EndoTect by the HEY Endo administrative team and we are grateful to HEY Endo for their unwavering support of our work. Dr Barbara Guinn and her amazing researchers, Leah Cooksey, Hannah Draper, Danny Fletcher and recent addition, Lucy Wiseman couldn’t have done this without you and the HEY Endo Centre clinical team – Mrs Jane Allen, Mr Keith Cunningham, Mr Kevin Phillips and research nurse Mrs Sarah Collins.
We have received samples from over 340 patients with Endometriosis and healthy volunteers to date, which will help us progress EndoTect to be used as a point-of-care test and develop new ways to improve outcomes for patients with Endometriosis. HEY Endo’s support has been amazing, and we endeavour to spend every penny raised carefully, to make sure it counts towards making a difference for everyone affected by endometriosis. If you have questions or would like to chat more about our research please do email me on Barbara.Guinn@hyms.ac.uk.
Novosanis is a Belgian based company that provides us with colli-pee tubes, as well as support and guidance. We have now also secured funding from Hull University Teaching Hospitals for a clinical fellow for 2 years. You might see Dr Hannah Draper when and if you go for a laparoscopy. We have certainly benefitted from HEY Endo and Emma Hardy MP for Hull West and Hessle raising awareness of Endometriosis through the All Party Parliamentary Group and your tireless campaigning to make sure endo doesn’t hide in the background.
At the moment Hannah is working on a urine test for endometriosis. We need to find out whether the test will work for all types and stages of Endometriosis, whether it is affected by factors such as where you are in your menstrual cycle.
Although we continue to apply for grants to fund our research we do need some help paying for equipment and chemicals that will progress our research sooner. That way we can generate data and make a difference ASAP. The University of Hull has provided us with a link for donations if you can afford and/or want to help. Click the donate button below and choose the designation Endometriosis Research from the drop down box).
These monies (boosted by Barbara’s spider plant and art sales) is helping us progress our research at a decent pace. We will continue to work hard in the lab and fund raise in our free time, until there is a way to improve the time to diagnosis and treat Endometriosis patients effectively.
For more information about our lab work, visit Dr Guinn online here.

NICE Guidelines
The National Institute For Heath & Care Evidence. They provide evidence-based recommendations developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders.
The NICE guidelines are in place to assist GP’s, other medical professionals & the public on the procedures of diagnosing & treating Endometriosis.

The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy
The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy exists to improve standards, promote training and encourage the exchange of information in minimal access surgery techniques for women with gynaecological problems.
Originally founded in 1989 by a small group of consultant gynaecologists, the society has since grown to the dynamic, active society it is today, with a membership of over a thousand consultants, trainees, specialist nurse practitioners, GPs and students.
BSGE exists not only to serve its members, but also to promote knowledge and understanding of the endoscopic approach to diagnosis and treatment to our patients, the public and those that form healthcare policy so that we can make a difference to women’s health and wellbeing.

APPG On Endometriosis
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Endometriosis.
The APPG completed an investigation in 2020 about Endometriosis.

The European Society Of Human Reproduction & Embryology
The European Society Of Human Reproduction & Embryology created this guideline in February 2022. It offers the best practice advice on the care of women with endometriosis, including recommendations on the diagnostic approach and treatments for endometriosis for both relief of painful symptoms and for infertility due to endometriosis.